Frequently Asked Questions

What makes The Good Midwife different from other courses?

The course is written and taught by current NHS Midwives. This means all information is up to date, evidence-based and balanced. We have lots of experience in the current maternity system and can help you navigate this to help you have an informed and empowered birth.

Will I receive anything before the classes?

Yes! A week before the course begins we will send you a reminder email that will also include some additional information.

What do I need to bring to the classes?

We provide refreshments, including hot and cold drinks and some snacks, but please feel free to bring your own if you would like. We provide you with a handbook and pens if you would like to make any notes.

Can I attend even if this isn’t my first baby?

Absolutely! We welcome any pregnant person no matter how many babies you have had before. We understand that some people benefit from a ‘refresher’ to prepare for the birth of their second or subsequent babies.

Can my partner attend the class?

Yes, we welcome you and your partner or your birth partner (whether that is your mum/sister/friend) to all the classes! The cost of the course is for two people to attend. If you want to come on your own, you are also more than welcome!

Will there be a social meet up at the end of the course?

Yes - we organise a postnatal meet up once all your babies have arrived! We also offer to create a WhatsApp group at the start of the course so you can stay in contact with each other and meet up beforehand if you wish.

What happens if I can’t attend one of the classes?

Please let us know if you can’t make a date of one of the classes. We will make a decision on a case by case basis on what we can offer you as an alternative.

Can I still attend if I am planning a c-section?

Yes absolutely! We discuss all modes of birth in our classes and will cover what happens during a c-section and the recovery. There is also a big focus on the postnatal period during our classes which will be relevant to everyone, no matter the way they birth their babies.

What postnatal support do you offer?

We offer support in the postnatal period via Whatsapp or email. So we will be on hand to answer any questions you may have whether it’s about your recovery, sleep, feeding, baby-wearing or more! We cannot offer clinical advice but we can guide you with our experience and knowledge during this time.